
From canSAS
Revision as of 04:01, 15 March 2012 by Andyfaff (talk | contribs)

Meeting of canSAS working groups


Work on specific matters important to the canSAS community as decided in previous conference calls. It is expected that those attending this working session will already have strong foundation and understanding and will come ready with knowledge, tools, and ideas to make significant progress during the event. The specific projects and tasks, as well as the list of participants, are described on this wiki and will be revised as the event draws near.


  • 2-d data format
  • A plan for standards
  • Global SAS Web Portal
  • presentation at SAS2012


  • 2012 July 28 - 31 (Saturday - Tuesday, inclusive)

Meeting Location

Uppsala University
Building: Angstrom Laboratory [1]
Room(s): TBA


  • arrive the previous day (Friday, 2012-07-27)
  • conference check-in first morning (Saturday, 2012-07-28), location TBA
  • meet all day (Sunday, 2012-07-29), location TBA
  • meet all day (Monday, 2012-07-30), location TBA
  • meet all day (Tuesday, 2012-07-31), location TBA
  • checkout next day (Wednesday, 2012-08-01)

Daily Agenda

Meeting room is TBA

Here is the daily schedule (tentative):

time description comments
8:45 - 10:00 AM plenary previous day's report and question
10:15 - 12:30 PM morning session work in groups
12:30 - 2:00 PM lunch TBA
2:00 - 4:30 PM afternoon session work in groups
4:30 - 4:45 PM plenary tea, coffee
4:45 - 6:30 PM plenary reports and discussions
6:30 - 8:00 PM dinner TBA
8:00 PM - ? evening discussions ad hoc


Business Matters

  • resolve remaining ISIS 1D issue (probably should be done PRIOR to meeting)
   ARJN - I would recommend that during this meeting that the current format be 'parked', the new 2D format should be flexible enough to handle 1 and 2D data.
  • Enunciate purpose and benefits of a standard reduced data format
    • define minimum necessary for reduced data
      • review previous discussions on 2D
      • considerations specific to 2D reduced data
      • consider forward looking issues such as
        • grazing incidence
        • event mode analysis
    • suggest format framework (NeXus extension, canSAS 1D extension, other) with brief discussion of the reason for the choice (including options considered, pros and cons of each, and final weighing)
    • Guide to how to make implementation easy.
    • Create straw format suitable for test/demonstration use and convert some test data for such a demonstration.
    • Provide a plan for presentation at SAS 2012
  • Standards
    • Define purpose/goals
      • (e.g. QA/QC,
      • improvement in uncertainties of measurements in general,
      • helping each facility continuously improve
      • etc.)
    • what types of tests are interesting/important
      • (e.g. beam intensity standards - there are several different ways to quantify-
      • ? resolution?
      • abs intensity calibration,
      • Q calibration,
      • etc. etc,
    • other contribution issues -
      • inelastic,
      • multiple scattering,
      • wavelength contamination,
      • detector efficiencies at diff wavelengths etc..;
      • limits in signal to noise - how weak a signal can be reliable extracted;
      • etc etc etc)
    • written plan for long term sustaining of effort
      • (assuming “ad-hoc” projects how to seed them,
      • how frequently, and
      • how to disseminate/share results including “advertizing:” project
    • Define list of 2 or 3 projects to work on in the near term including plan of action and participants for each.
    • plan for presentation at SAS 2012 (could be just to announce plan and see who wants to participate?)
  • Global SAS Web Portal
    • define scope, purpose, and goal of portal
    • list content type to which such a portal should give access.
    • Suggest method for hosting
      • ?more distributed or more centralized,
      • ?under auspices of a particular facility or SAS commission
      • ? .. or both etc)
    • Build a working straw landing page prototype
    • Build at least 2 or 3 subpages and/or designs on paper
    • plan for presentations
      • SAS 2012
      • SAS commision

Projects and Tasks

These items are sorted in order of priority that they be finished.

  1. 2-D format
  2. Standardization
  3. SAS web portal
  4. ...


  1. the canSAS 1D, lessons learned
  2. ...

Practical Matters




Clarion Hotel Gillet, Uppsala
Dragarbrunnsgatan 23,
753 20 Uppsala, Sweden

  • Expect hotel rate to be 570 SEK for 1 Single Bed (approximate, subject to change)
    • Please reserve your own rooms directly with the hotel (website, phone, ...)

Please reserve your own rooms directly with the hotel:

Web site
+46 (0) 18 68 18 00
+46 (0) 18 68 18 18
map reference

Directions and Maps


  • Adrian Rennie
    • institute: Uppsala University
    • email:
    • office phone: +46184713596


  • Conference fee: no fee
  • regular meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be traveler's expense


item quantity who provides?
projector & screen   host
LCD displays, keyboards, & mice   host
electrical power extension cords   host
foreign electrical power adapter as needed traveler
Wi-Fi connections sufficient host venue


participant affiliation arriving departing registration? other
Adrian Rennie Uppsala University host host host  
Paul Butler NIST 2012-07-27 2012-08-01 tba  
Andrew Jackson 2012-07-27 2012-08-01 tba  
Pete Jemian APS 2012-07-27 2012-08-01 tba  
Steve King ISIS 2012-07-27 2012-08-01 tba  

Final Report
