cansas1d SASsample

From canSAS
Revision as of 16:16, 15 April 2008 by (talk) (initial definition)
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Name Type occurrence Description Attributes
ID string [1..1] Text string that identifies this sample.
thickness string [0..1] Thickness of this sample. Must specify the unit as an attribute. unit="{unit}"
transmission string [0..1] Transmission (1-attenuation) of this sample. Express this as a fraction, not as a percentage.

NOTE: there is no "unit" attribute.

temperature string [0..1] Temperature of this sample. Must specify the unit as an attribute. unit="{unit}"
position container [0..1] Location in X, Y, and Z of the sample.
orientation container [0..1] Orientation (rotation) of the sample.
details string [0..unbounded] Any additional sample details.
{any} container [0..unbounded] Any element(s) not defined in the cansas1d/1.0 standard can be placed at this point. See {any} for more details. xmlns:{foreign-prefix}="{foreign-namespace}"